Monday, 25 July 2016

What is Pagerank?


PageRank is a scoring system basted on web-page links made between the pages. An important page will have many referrals from other sites because of its quality content. Thus, people at Google will give it a mark between 1 to 10 (10 being most important) for each page of a website, depending on its importance. 
This is so far the best method of determining the importance of a page based on votes or links. The higher the page rank of the page is, the more important that certain page will be on search engines.

Note: Pagerank is applied differently on specific pages on your blog or websites, Let's say your homepage is on Pagerank 2, then some of your contents may of pagerank 1, 2 or 3 depending on how popular and search engine optimized it is.

 What is Pagerank
How do you know what pagerank you have?
That’s easy!; just install Google Toolbar or check online on PrChecker.

How is PageRank calculated?
First you need to know that the formula for calculating the Pagerank is secret. Here you have a
simplified version of the algorithm in use:

According to Sergey Brin and Lawrence (Larry) Page, Co-founders of Google, the PR of a webpage is calculated using this formula:

PR(A) = (1 - d) + d * SUM ((PR(I->A)/C(I))
  • PR(A) is the PageRank of your page A.
  • d is the damping factor, usually set to 0,85.
  • PR(I->A) is the PageRank of page I containing a link to page A.
  • C(I) is the number of links off page I.
  • PR(I->A)/C(I) is a PR-value page A receives from page I.
  • SUM (PR(I->A)/C(I)) is the sum of all PR-values page A receives from pages with links to page A..

If we neglect the other factors we will see that Pagerank grows by the voting we get from sites with high pageranks and a few numbers
of votes given to others (there are many discussions on this subject, opinions are divided). Also our pagerank will not decrease if we vote others.

So, Google’s algorithm is a secret. We can't imagine how complicated it really is. Google is one of the largest companies in the world with a great financial power. Their main product is the search engine, the core of the business, they certainly invest and will invest huge amounts of money in it.

If you got a high PageRank it means that you don’t have bad results and thus your site is mark as important to search engines. 

There are some issue that some blogs that have a lot of contents, still doesn't have even a pagerank of 1. This is because the search engine doesn’t correctly interpret the page content, meaning it doesn’t understand the subject or witch words are more important. 

It is therefore important that before we create quality content we must make sure that we have a suitable structure that can be read by Google.

In conclusion, Pagerank does affect a lot to the site's overall performance, not just on search engines but also to readers, if you want to have a decent pagerank then you can start with creating unique and quality articles or contents to your blog.

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